Thursday, July 7, 2011

our laundry "system"

everything, even laundry, is happier if you have a system ... and definitely easier.

one thing we do at our house is that we have a ton of baskets that are all the same size. the kids each have three in their closets (whites on top, darks in the middle and towels on the bottom). that way, the sorting is already complete when it's time to wash. our four year old is EXCELLENT at the system. (she is a natural mini-me in most of her organizing ways.)

we also have the same baskets in our laundry room above the washer and dryer, one in our kitchen for dirty dishtowels and napkins and a set in our mudroom, with random ones floating in the playroom, garage, etc. they are all the same and we bought them while we were still building. with the dimensions, we were able to have each space built for our needs exactly!

take time to pay attention to even the smallest details ...these are what make your home function for you to its best ability every day.

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